Label Info

López Suárez Record known as "LSR", is the prestigious record by Valentín López about motivation, personal development and business growth worldwide. Valentín López is the author of several BestSellers, business consultant, coach, motivational content producer, speaker and personality in different media. Born in the Canary Islands, Spain, a lover of financial education, NLP and personal development graduated with honors and entered the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences to continue his training. High defender of self-education and with a burning desire to learn, his career has led him to feed in different areas such as mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and leadership in different masters. He is currently continuing his mission of financially promoting companies and organizations in different departments and inspiring and empowering thousands of people around the world to be their best version, through entrepreneurship, financial education and personal self-improvement.


Valentín López

Valentín López

Instagram: @valentinlopezoficial


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