Label Info

Our whole company has the name 'B-Weg Prouctionz', the lable 'B-Weg Music' is the department just for music. The label got created by: Raphael Letz, Mario Letz(DJ Endary) and Marco Moises. The label produces and records many different music styles like Pop, House, Hip Hop and much more.Many of our tracks are in different clubs in our area and we have 2 producers to find the best beat for our Dance/House songs.
Our different artists are focused on different music styles. Amazing singers for pop music, great rapper for Hip-Hop, many producers for the best Dance and House beat and much more. We always try to find the best beat, tunes, rhythm and lyrics that appeal to many people. Some friends of our members are really famous in the music-buissness in different music styles, so we get inspire for new styles, beats and rhythms that we can use in our own music.

We also have a 2. department, who's just for music videos with directors, producers and actors. They try to find the best way to bring the songs on screen and fill the videos with emotions and action.


Raphael Letz

Raphael Letz

Dj Endary

Dj Endary



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