Artist Info

Port Fish is an ambient / chillout / experimental / electronica music band of two musicians, Tomáš Rendek and Ľuboš Tilka.

Knowing each other from their childhood their first steps with music happened at school of arts. Tomáš learning to play the violin while Ľuboš started with the flute and guitar. After several years of growing on the classical music Tomáš continued his studies at the school of music aiming his life to become a professional musician. Ľuboš finished his musical education playing in the group named "Queentet".

During his studies at school of music Tomáš - influenced by music of Tears For Fears, A-ha, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, Yes, and other bands - started playing the keyboards in the local christian rock band called "Silence". Silence released two regular albums and played number of live performances across the country.

At this time Ľuboš - inspired by bands such as Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, New Order, Art Of Noise, The Orb and 808 State - begun his own musical experiments with his computer. Composing music for computer games and demos initially, he continued working with synthesizers and produced three unreleased albums under the name of "the PACIfiC".

After few years spent on their own projects, Ľuboš and Tomáš met again and quickly realized that their visions of music have much in common. Their musical ideas were transformed into reality of the PACIfiC, new project adopting name of Ľuboš's legacy solo project. With the number of other bands of the same name, the PACIfiC was soon renamed to Port Fish.




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