Label Info

Schnitzel Musik [LC 91816 | an electronic music label from Kassel (Germany) | est. 2017 | all rights reserved]

Schnitzel Musik was foundet in September 2017 as Independent record label, which is part of Schnitzel Events, an electronic music company from Kassel (Germany), which organizes techno parties and other modern art events since 2002.
Schnitzel Musik already released some digital music. It's first major release, the SM01: „3rd Error EP (Re-Mastered | 2019)“ by Hagen Schnitzel (released on 01. October 2019 on many digital major platforms), followed by the SM02: „Sound of Cassel Decadence (No. 1)“ by Hagen Schnitzel & Timma (22. October 2019) and the SM03: „Bad Ass Bitches EP (Dedicated to Mia Schnitzel | 1983-2017)“ by Hagen Schnitzel (13. December 2019). Other releases were the SM04 - SM07, all produced by Hagen Schnitzel. We have planned, to release several new tracks in 2022 and we are looking for some new experienced artists for the label.

More regularly releases of electronic music publications are planned for 2023/24, containing royalty-free as well as licenced digital audio content.
Additional content is provided by the music publisher „Musikverlag MIA“ and from partners and clients of the „DW|Copyrights Rechteverwertung“.
But also new artists and remixers are very welcome! Just send your sounds or other ideas to

-> Be well and stay curious! ;-)


Hagen Schnitzel

Hagen Schnitzel

Dennis Wiegand

Dennis Wiegand




Tel.: +49(0)561-51077145
Fax: +49(0)561-51077146



SM08 Release