DaSoul (Michael Wenzel) makes music since the 90'tees. He likes to sing, rap, writes his own lyrics and produces rnb, rap, hiphop, pop, dance and german pop songs in his studio in berlin. In the last years he has worked with numerous musicians and produced some nice songs. He has his own label called "Black2Production & AHBeats Wenzel".
Together with B.K. a very talented female singer from berlin he wants to produce some songs together like the german track "Beweis es mir".
Artist: "Dasoul feat. B.K."
Label: Black2production & Ahbeats Wenzel
Labelcode: lc 30136
Homepage: www.black2production.de
E-mail: info@black2production.de
Phone: +49 30 701 76 508
Fax: +49 30 701 76 509
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