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What is the VLB?

The Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher (VLB) is operated by MVB Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels GmbH. It serves as a central database for books published in Germany and informs the book trade about the current range of books available.

Main functions of the VLB

  • Book directory: Comprehensive information on books from major publishers to self-publishers.

  • Updates: Regular updates with new book data and publisher information.

  • ISBN Search: Easily search for books by ISBN.

  • Publisher Information: Also includes important publisher information.

  • Use of the VLB: Booksellers, publishers, distributors and libraries use the VLB to monitor the book market, research titles and place orders.

  • VLB and uses the VLB to add published books and eBooks to its database. This increases the reach and visibility of's works and makes it easier for booksellers to access new titles for their ranges.
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