Formerly created by Jerome Sandron, long experienced mastering sound engineer and producer, Viktorkestral Records is the basis of a collaboration process in order to promote alternative ways of producing electro, dance, techno music as well as more experimental and post-"industrial" projects which are most often rejected by conventional major music companies. It is strictly indie and will remain indie. Officially launched in 2012, it's however the next step in a long term process issued from the early 80's when various types of alternative music were experienced. The use of synthesizers was pretty basic in the majority of the production and recording studios were exclusively working in the analog domain. Music production and distribution were long and fastidious while it has now become very affordable for everyone. This label is well born essentially in Belgium, a country where everything is possible and where every forms of dance music had got a widely acclaimed production. The main purpose of Viktorkestral records is to provide the ability to some talented DJ's to spread the word while letting some more conventional projects getting developped.
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