Exkrement Beton comes from Brandenburg on the Havel. In 2001, it was built out of a beer mud from the fragments of the "Rollstuhl Räuber" and "Stiefelfreunde Brandenburg".
Musically, Exkrement Beton move in the area of fun-punk and use the lower instincts of humanity.
In 2003 came the demo "Alles im Arsch" and 2004 the EP "Jetzt wird’s Schmutzig".
In 2010 the first official CD "Schön, Stur, Arrogant" was released on Plastic Bomb Records.
After four long years and four days, the album "Eine Kleine Scheisse" was released on CD at Anarchy of Sound Records in 2014 and by Elb Power Records on vinyl.
Exkrement Beton consists of the fantastic and incredible: Hoppsing (bass & vocals), Fu (guitar & vocals), Franky (drums), Stephan (guitar)
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