Artist Info

Cosmo Reeds, born and raised in a small town in southwestern Germany, was already at the age of five years, a great musical talent. On a plastic flute, he was playing tunes he heard before. But no one teached him the flute to play. With seven years, his talent should be encouraged and they sent him to a Teacher to learned the flute as well. However, the small Cosmo felt hemmed in by his teacher, because they wanted to train him only in classical music. Cosmo so broke after only one year of training, the training and devoted himself entirely to his own teaching method. With nine years Cosmo wrote his first song and began to sing. At age eleven, he wanted to learn the trumpet, after hearing an album by Herb Alpert. As before, the flute, Cosmo teaches himself the trumpet. His musical passion was jazz and swing. The flute is no longer interested him from then on.

It was a musical turning point, as Cosmo was about fourteen years old. A very good school friend and guitarist from the school band asked him if he would like in the school band as lead singer and songwriter participate. Cosmo agreed, and had from then on with hard rock and heavy metal confront. Since Cosmo always tries to sound like the singer of AC / DC, he strained his vocal cords and damaged it in the long term. Of the doctors, he was a strict ban on singing until the end of his life. But Cosmo was not it get it even if he can not sing anymore, he continued as an instrumentalist.

Cosmo didn't care more about the school and broke it off with 16 years of age. Thus he remained the Academy of Music and the study of trumpet denied forever. Cosmo made a business education to finance his own studio. As a big fan and admirer of Japanese manga and anime, Cosmo began to become interested in Japanese music. Especially enthusiastic about the bamboo flute playing along with modern rhythms. He bought a shakuhachi and later a Chinese Dizzi and experimented with different sounds. By the Japanese composer Kow Otani, he stumbled upon the South American Quena and perfected his flute playing.

After many years as a soldier in the German Army, Cosmo became an independent music producer. As an absolute Japanfan it is his dream to live and work in Japan someday. Musically, however, he has never set to an style of music. Cosmo loves to take his audience into a dream world with his music to distract them from the harsh reality, at least for a while. Cosmo likes music that is melodic, whether pop, rock, jazz or classical music. He experimented again with different styles and instrumental ensembles. Whether solo, a quartet or a full symphony orchestra, Cosmo Reeds music is to fall in love, for dancing, dreaming or just to relax. Cosmo takes the listener on a journey through the world, musically speaking. Cosmo Reeds plays the trumpet and various ethnic instruments. He is his own producer, manager and most of all he is his own label. Cosmo thus ensures that no one was talking purely in his music and his work. Cosmo Reeds, a musician, producer and composer.



Milanas Song - a Summernights Dream

Milanas Song - a Summernights Dream
Old Home Records


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